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Live Simply


It is awarded to communities who can show how they have been living:

• simply

• in solidarity with people in poverty

• sustainably with creation.

Some live simply award communities have encouraged people to walk or cycle to church or school, install solar panels, start recycling schemes, join a climate change campaign, support Fairtrade stalls or donate to a local food bank. The award celebrates what you have already done and inspires you to do more. It helps your community to live, not just more simply, but also more fully. As a school we have signed up for this award this year and will work hard to ensure we have some creative ideas to show how we have been living in these ways. 

Laudato Si'

                           Pope Francis calls on us to take good care of creation. 

   Laudato Si’: On Care for our Common Home is his profound letter to everyone on the planet. Pope Francis calls on us to take good care of creation. 

Prayer Reflection 

If the earth…

If the earth were only a few feet in diameter, floating a few feet above a field somewhere, people would come from everywhere to stand in awe before it. People would walk around it, marvelling at its big pools of water, its little pools and the water flowing between the pools. People would be amazed at its bumps and hollows, and they would marvel at the thin layer of gas surrounding it and the water suspended in the gas. They would be full of wonder at all the creatures walking around the surface of the ball, and the creatures in the water.

The people would declare it precious because it was the only one –unique – and they would protect it so that it would not be hurt. The ball would be the greatest wonder known, and people would come to behold it, to be healed, to gain knowledge, to know beauty and to wonder how it could be! People would love it and defend it with their lives, because they would somehow know that their lives, their wholeness and roundness, could be nothing without it.

If the earth were only a few feet in diameter…